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What are we doing?

We are studying on the interaction of materials (water, carbon, nitrogen, etc.) and energy between terrestrial ecosystem and climate by either or multiple of ecosystem modeling, satellite remote-sensing, and ground measurement.

Current main topics are below!!

Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) for understanding the ecosystem-level photosynthesis

Ground obs.-Satellite-Modeling of plant physiology, optical transfer, and CO2 uptake 

  • Ground-based measurement of SIF at eddy flux towers (Paddy field (Tsukuba), Deciduous Broad-leaf forest (Takayama), Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaf forest (Okinawa), Wetland (Bibai), and Wheat field (Sapporo)) with high resolution spectro-radiomenter

  • 3 Dimensional modeling of radiative transfer and photosynthesis via SIF

  • Uncertainty estimation of satellite SIF by Ground-based SIF

Spatially-Explicit Individual Based Global Dynamics Vegetation Model (SEIB-DGVM) for global scale simulation

Simulation of tree population dynamics, carbon cycle under climate scenario

  • Wind-throw effect on carbon and forest dynamics by typhoon disturbance in a cool-temperate forest in northern Japan (Lan, Kato et al., 2019, Forest Ecol. Manage.)

  • Potential effect of carbon starvation on tree death and carbon loss on a global scale

  • Carbon loss, vegetation shift, and aerosol emission from Siberian Forest Fire

Statistics based analysis on climate change effect on crop production over 100 years

Statistical analysis on statistics!! (R, ArcGIS, Fortran)

  • National crop statistics for estimating productivity shift and climate change effect for Japan

  • National crop statistics for estimating productivity shift and climate change effect for France

  • Reconstruction Japanese rice production in early modern period by MATCRO-Rice

More many potential topics

Very attractive research topics wait for you!!

  • Crop models (MATCRO-Rice and MATCRO-Wheat) for global scale representation

  • Satellite remote-sensing of forest carbon stock over Japan and Vietnam

  • SIF model (FLiES-SIF; Sakai, Kobayashi, Kato, 2020, GMD)

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